Julia Roth -

Julia Roth

Throughout my career I have enjoyed working with adults and younger people with mental health problems in various psychological, psychotherapeutic, and psychiatric settings.

Working within a psychodynamic framework, I focus on unconscious conflicts that cause symptoms and problems in day-to-day relationships with others. By jointly unravelling past experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of how your symptoms, relationship patterns and feelings are related to your own history and experiences. My approach encompasses a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to depression, anxiety, adjustment disorders, psychosomatic disorders, sexual and relationship problems, as well as personality disorders.

Educationally, I hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Saarland University, Germany, and a master’s degree in clinical and health psychology from Free University of Berlin, Germany. I further completed a 6.5-year training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at Berlin Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (BIPP) in Germany.

My professional journey in Germany included five years in different psychotherapy practices, treating severe psychological disorders on a psychiatric ward, and providing counselling to individuals in acute suicidal crises and their families through a social psychiatric service. In Australia, I have expanded my experience, offering therapies, assessments, and behaviour support within the NDIS framework.

I can provide therapies in both German and English and place importance on developing an empathic, trusting therapeutic relationship out of which any topic can be addressed and explored, whilst ensuring a deep understanding.

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